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Close the Deal in 3 Easy Steps

Written by Old Republic Home Protection | Dec 31, 2020 10:23:48 PM

It’s not uncommon for real estate professionals to get a little nervous when it comes time for a client to sign an agreement. After all, facing possible rejection is scary!

But in that moment of uncertainty, you could lose the sale or the listing. Here are a few simple steps that can put you on a path to more listings and more sales. 

Step 1: Always assume success

Agents who assume that they are going to get a contract signed experience much greater success. Don't go into a meeting and cautiously ask for the business, hoping for success—assume you are getting it before you ask.

Assumptive phrases, such as “When would you like to get started?” or “Let’s move forward,” will get your prospects thinking about taking the next steps with you as their guide.

Entering a sales opportunity with positive expectations will increase your confidence, getting you that much closer to a successful conversion from prospect to client.

Step 2: Never stop asking for the sale

Don't let the first rejection stop you! 80% of sales are made after five follow-up phone calls or meetings. Do you typically give up before you reach follow-up number five? 

Be polite but persistent. Use your touchpoints to offer potential clients something of value, like your expert knowledge of the neighborhood and local area.

Try to get a few "yeses" through trial closes along the way. Trial closes are the little points of agreement that pave the way to a signed contract. 

For a seller, trial closes could be: "Do you have an extra house key ready?" or "Is this Tuesday all right for the broker's open?" For a buyer, trial closes could be: "I noticed you both like the swing set. Should we ask for it in the offer?" or "Do you want to take possession at the end of this month or next?"

Trial closes build momentum, and momentum is vital to any sales process. This technique can also teach you to weather objections in a more thoughtful and productive way.

Step 3: Write up the purchase or listing agreement

A prospect is much more likely to sign with you if you’ve already gone to the trouble of finishing the paperwork. Having everything ready for them to review and sign projects confidence in your ability to close the deal.

Closing a client is a step-by-step process, and it takes practice! But following these steps may help you grow your confidence, increase your sales volume, and close deals more successfully.