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Stay Out of Your Clients’ Spam Folders

Written by Old Republic Home Protection | Apr 27, 2021 9:07:49 PM

Let’s face it, there’s no surefire way to keep your emails out of your clients’ spam folders. You offer a valuable service, but if you use the wrong words in your subject lines, your clients’ internet service providers (ISPs) might send your emails directly into their spam folder.

Streamline your subject lines for increased inbox placement

Use the following tips to avoid certain keywords and phrases in subject lines that make spam detectors go wild.

     1. Avoid salesy words or phrases

Find better ways to say “Free,” “New,” “Cheap,” “Approved,” “Low Rates,” “Owe,” “Buy,” “Bonus,” “Prize,” “Cash,” or “At No Cost.”

     2. Don’t use symbols

Dollar signs are almost certain to get banished to the spam folder. Also, don’t mix letters, symbols, and numbers to spell words. 

     3. Don’t misspell words

This is a good practice regardless of spam filters. Misspellings may not trigger ISP spam filters, but people might delete or unsubscribe if your emails lack professionalism.

     4. Avoid exclamation marks and don’t overuse ALL CAPS

After all, shouting at your clients is never a best practice.

     5. Erase “free!!!” from your email vocabulary

In addition to omitting exclamation marks and the word “free” from subject lines, you should minimize both of these items in the body of your emails. More than three exclamation marks or three uses of the word “free” may banish your email to Spamville.

     6. Think of your emails as news articles

If the body of the email is the meat of your article, then the subject line should act as the headline. Your subject line should set appropriate expectations, match the body content, and act as a teaser to entice your audience to click and read the email.

Again, there are no guarantees—emails sent to and from all legitimate service providers have been mistaken for spam, even when they follow all the rules. But following these tips may increase your odds of landing in your clients’ inboxes instead of their spam folders.