Service Provider Testimonials

Service Providers are Talking

See what our network service providers say about their ORHP experience.

Don't just take our word for it. These reviews are from Trustpilot, an independent review collection company.

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These reviews come from service providers who clicked the link at the bottom of the page.

"We at Alpha Comfort Design can only say the best about Old Republic Home Protection. From day one, we have increased our customer base in our air conditioning trade and earned additional income during slow periods. [Contractor Connection] is a simple, efficient, and unique tool to process service requests. Jobs are paid on time, and we strongly recommend that other HVAC contractors work with Old Republic Home Protection."

L.L., CEO/President, Alpha Comfort Design
Altamonte Springs, FL

"Old Republic Home Protection has provided us continuous work year round. Being part of their network has expanded our overall profit margin, and we are very satisfied. The online tools are beneficial to our company, and our office staff finds them really effective and they save us a lot of time. The features are easy to use, from scheduling, to work orders, to invoicing!"

L.A., Justice Air Conditioning
Corpus Christi, TX

"Another shout-out for Old Republic Home Protection! I was just meeting with a Heating and A/C guy that was sent out by another home warranty company and, during the discussion, I had mentioned that I’ve used Old Republic since 2008 and he said emphatically “STAY WITH OLD REPUBLIC!” He gave me several reasons, including that ORHP pays for Freon and much more than these other companies do (he represents many home warranty companies). He told me that, by far, Old Republic is the one to go with and to refer to my clients! Thanks once again!"

S.D., Real Estate Agent/Plan Holder
Tempe, AZ

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