Press Release: NHSCA Hosts First National Home Warranty Conference

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June 9-10 marked the first ever convocation of the most significant leaders and stakeholders in the home warranty industry in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

The home warranty industry convened the leading providers, suppliers, technology firms and affiliates in the home services industries in Santa Fe this past month. The goal was to create a new synergy to better serve the needs and demands of homeowners to maintain functional, safe and healthy homes.

Homes have become increasingly reliant upon technology and systems that consumers and their families can no longer maintain or support. “Timely and efficient expert services to keep homes operating efficiently are in huge demand,” noted NHSCA President Andy Hand and SVP of First American Home Warranty. “Smart systems, computer driven and internet monitored HVAC systems along with WIFI enabled appliances from refrigerators and ranges to door openers require expertise and monitoring. Most of the needs exceed the ability of the average homeowner to service or repair them. Our industry has to meet that need and even exceed it by employing the latest technologies to diagnose, prevent and repair them. Timely and effective remote repair is an emerging development to meet homeowner’s needs.” Hand’s comments reflected the major theme of the conference to partner with technology firms to focus on trends, connected homes and the overall customer “home experience.”

Ken Gear, CEO of Leading Builders of America provided the keynote on the future of new home construction and trends. John Gallante, CEO of AE Ventures outlined the service and support need for a “connected home.” David Roybal of Keller Williams provided provocative and insightful commentary on what REALTORS® are looking for in home service fulfillment.

This event marked the first convocation of the NHSCA’s expanded membership and recognition of the NHSCA accreditation program. “Accreditation by the NHSCA is a big deal in the home warranty space,” observed Jim Mullery, NHSCA Secretary/Treasurer and President of Old Republic Home Protection. “The industry and regulators have embraced it as a new step toward better standards and consumer protection. Membership in the NHSCA is the first step toward industry responsibility to the public, while accreditation represents accomplishment and commitment.”

NHSCA Affiliate members such as Home X, Encompass, National Service Alliance, Vivint, Reliable Parts, Ironwood Warranty Group, Service Experts and others made major contributions toward the two-day conference which followed the annual NHSCA membership meeting. Jacqui Adams Crockett, NHSCA Vice-President and VP at 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty emphasized that “This conference was designed to hear from our contractors, partner with them to make home service contracts easier to utilize, assist with the current labor shortage, and overall, to be more customer centric.”

“The NHSCA welcomes new members and saw great interest in others joining the organization,” observed NHSCA founder and counsel Art Chartrand. “It is a great opportunity for the NHSCA to broaden our membership to bring additional voices in the industry to the conversation. We were thrilled to have major cooperation and support from the former Service Contract Industry Council (SCIC) which represents the automobile and retail goods sectors as some of our legislative issues overlap.” Chartrand concluded that “Pierce Haley of Boston’s Serlin Haley as our new Executive Director is well poised to lead this entire group into the future.

Be sure to look for the NHSCA logo when choosing a home service contract (warranty) provider. See for a list of member companies.

About the NHSCA

The National Home Service Contract Association (NHSCA) is a non-profit 50(c) (6) industry trade organization of member companies serving home service contract providers and consumer interests throughout the United States. For more great industry and consumer information, visit

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