Making New Year's resolutions is an annual tradition for many. Start the year off right by resolving to be more organized, think strategically, and follow up on every lead to reach your sales goals!
Write everything down so you won't forget. Use a day planner, journal, or phone app (try Evernote or OneNote) to store client information, calendar items, to-do lists, etc.
Set aside some time to work through your backlog of tasks to begin the year with a clean slate.
Once you have a system that works for you, stick with it! It'll save you time and frustration in the long run.
Your business plan should define your mission and vision, clarify your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, and establish goals you'd like to hit annually.
You are your business, so you should set tangible goals to market yourself and fill your sales funnel.
If you've already written a business plan, now is a great time to revisit your mission, vision, and goals, and update them if necessary.
Check out the National Association of REALTORS® article Writing a Business Plan for tips and more information.
Look through your database to update existing marketing contacts and remove any no longer needed.
Attend networking events and get active in your community to grow your sphere of influence.
But don't get so busy making new connections that you forget to nurture the old ones. Organize your contacts in categories within a single database—and keep it up to date—to streamline your marketing efforts.
Attend training courses and educational seminars to improve your skills and become an industry expert. Research technology that may help you work more efficiently. Join organizations where you can connect with like-minded people who share your goals.
Hire a real estate coach or find a mentor in your field to provide unbiased feedback and offer up some tips of the trade. Or consider earning new real estate designations to grow your business.
Success is a great motivator, and the positivity you feel when you reach your goals permeates all aspects of your life.
So, give yourself a pat on the back and celebrate your wins to energize your future endeavors!
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